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1. | SASI KUMAR PAKALPATI1, SALEENA EC2* | 26 Dec 2020 | MIBR0104005 | 3 | 0 |
The study objectives are to find out the level of Teacher Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Secondary school Teachers of Malappuram district. Education is a powerful tool for social, economic and political development of a Nation. Success of education process greatly depends on the commitment, character, attitude, personality and ability of the teacher. A teacher has to have special empathy, perseverance, determination, sincerity, research orientation, honesty and adaptability. A teacher is the model in the classroom, whose personality and attitude are simulating by the students consciously and unconsciously. Teacher commitment has been identified as one of the most pivotal factors for the success of education. The study objectives are to find out the level of Teacher Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Secondary school Teachers of Malappuram district.
Educator, Service, Teaching, University
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