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# | Authors | First Online | DOI | Downloads | Citations |
1. | Rais Abdul Hamid Khan*, Thamraj Narendra Ghorsad, Sadik Khan, Yogesh K Sharma, Dyuti Banerjee | 30 Dec 2021 | MCET0202004 | 16 | 0 |
Over the past few decades, the use of the Internet of Things has become more and more prevalent in human life in terms of industrial development, so many cybercriminals are on the rise, and different ways of carrying out cyber-attacks are being explored. In this connection, many researchers have developed several IoT intrusion detection systems to prevent attacks on IoT and to provide strong security to the IoT system, based on such criteria as system search techniques, authentication strategy, and deployment. In this study, we have a comprehensive overview of contemporary IoT IDS and the techniques, deployment strategies, authentication strategies, and datasets commonly used to build IDS. We have discussed how the previously proposed system detects attacks and how IoT provides stronger security, as well as classified IoT attacks that have occurred so far. Discussions are underway to prevent such attacks in the future and to provide stronger security for the IoT.
Internet of Things, Intrusion Detection, Network attack, Machine Learning
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