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# | Authors | First Online | DOI | Downloads | Citations |
1. | Parul Patel | 22 Dec 2021 | MCET0202003 | 10 | 0 |
In the world of internet, amount of digitized information is increasing exponentially. This data can be very used efficiently if meaningful information can be retrieved from it. Temporal information extraction is an emerging area of research in the field of natural language processing. Temporal information about document like document creation time, updation time, history of various updates on document in form of different versions can be very useful in the document clustering or timeline creation. Temporal information can be present in the form of temporal expression inside the document. It plays very important role in various applications like question answering, generating temporal summaries etc. Lot of research has been done in developing temporal information processing system, known as temporal tagger in various languages. In this paper, comparative study has been done on various temporal information processing system developed for different languages with their related issues and challenges.
Temporal expression, Temporal tagger, TERN
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