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# | Authors | First Online | DOI | Downloads | Citations |
1. | Lavika Khattar & Megha Gupta* | 22 Dec 2021 | MCET0202002 | 2 | 0 |
The Fifth Generation of mobile networking is the descendant of the world’s wireless standards succeeding 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G networks. 5G is the advent of all the previous mobile networks based on CDMA. It establishes a secure connection for the users. It promises more than faster and secure network, from high-speed mobile network to smart cities, 5G is a life-changing technology. The potential applications of 5G are achieved by producing electro-magnetic radiations which uses high frequencies around 3.5 -6.00 GHz, making it faster and efficient. While, cancer is not only one problem, however exposure to these radio frequencies can also result in heating of organic tissue, reproductive problems, autism and boom in body temperature. This paper presents a general review on the new cellular technology and it also lists environmental and health issues related to 5G technology and scientist’s opinion about it
5G, Health Hazards, Electromagnetic Radiation
[1] Radiation: 5G mobile networks and health, Q&A, World Health Organization, February 2020
[2] Rainer Nyberg, Lennart Hardell, “Scientists Warn of Potential Serious Health Effects Of 5G”, The 5G Appeal, September 2017.
[3] Jelena Pisarov, Gyula Mester, “The Impact Of 5G Technology on Life In 21st Century”, November 2020
[4] Radiation: Electromagnetic fields, Q&A, published by World Health Organization, August 2016
[5] Donna Jiamjirarat and Corentin Rafflin, “Implementation Of 5G And Health Concerns”, November 2020. Ball State University