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# | Authors | First Online | DOI | Downloads | Citations |
1. | Pooja S. Korde*, Sneha U. Bohra | 25 Jun 2021 | MCET0201005 | 5 | 0 |
Humans can quickly identify body and sign language, thanks to a combination of eyesight and synaptic connections. Some challenges must be overcome before this talent can be replicated in computers, such as how to segregate items of interest in photographs and which image capture technology and classification approach are most suited, among others. Normal people do not comprehend deaf people's signs because they do not know what they signify. The solution presented here addresses this problem. This technology collects various hand gestures using a camera. Following that, the image is processed using a variety of approaches. Hand Gesture Recognition has been successfully substituted for Speech Recognition using the proposed system. Methodologies for recognizing gestures are typically classified into two categories: static and dynamic. The advantage of this strategy is the lower computing cost. Static gestures only need the analysis of a single picture at the input of the classifier. Image sequence processing and more complicated gesture detection algorithms are required for dynamic gestures. Finally, OpenCV, which will act as the system's Eye, capturing and processing Real-time Hand Gestures and predicting their outcomes, and finally, The Deep Learning Techniques which is known as Convolutional Neural Network that has been used to aid with Image Recognition by transforming photos into a matrix that the model can understand and making it Classifier ready. The concepts employed include Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Tensor Flow, openCV and Python Modules. The hand motions are recorded by a camera and then analyzed.
TensorFlow, Convolutional Neural Network, Machine Learning, Image Recognition, Sign Language
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