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1. | Mark Lester C. Cuayzon | 27 Dec 2021 | NA | 12 | 0 |
The purpose of this research project, which was given the title "Barriers of Learning Instruction on Academic Performance in the New Normal," was to investigate the effects that the barriers of learning instruction have on learners' academic performance in the new normal. The research made use of quantitative methods, in particular the descriptive correlational design. In order to collect the data for the obstacles of the learning instruction, a survey questionnaire that was created on one's own was employed. The information that was acquired was entered into a spreadsheet, where it was tallied, evaluated, and then interpreted using percentage, mean, and regression. The majority of respondents were female, according to the socio-demographic profile, the findings of which revealed. Parents of students who were in the class had an average education level of high school or less, and their average age was less than 44 years old. In addition, more than one half of the population of those who responded had a monthly income of between 5,001 and 10,000. In addition, it was discovered that instructors do not have enough access to the internet, ICT technologies, or facilities that are utilised to broadcast courses. They also agreed that the education environment presented a number of challenges, including making it difficult to do home visits to students who required remediation or help, having problems with the structure of the delivery, and a lack of preparation on the part of the students. On the other side, parents do not actively participate in the education of their children, they lack training and assistance, and that the parents do not accept full responsibility for the education of their children when they are home-schooled. In addition, it was discovered that the level of educational attainment of the learners' parents was directly correlated with the level of the learners' own performance. Additionally, when there is an increase in the utilisation of communication and technology, there is an increase in the performances of the students.
Barriers of learning instruction, Academic Performance, New normal, Pandemic, Philippines
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